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    Invisible Architecture

    IntegralDesingFactory / 10 July, 2018 / Architecture, Bioclimatic, design, nice place, Sin categoría, Solar energy, Sustainability

    Invisible architecture, is what the architects Kersten Geers and David Van Severen felt when they were commissioned to make the project of a holiday residence in a large virgin forest, in the area of Matarraña, Spain. Due to their impressive views, they considered the need to emphasize the qualities of the surroundings and for this they designed a ring with a diameter of 45m supported by four rows with eight pillars, generating 360 degree views. Three of the four sections are formed by straight and curved edges generating living areas. These spaces are closed with a perforated metal mesh, which slides on the outer edge of the circle, allowing it to open to the forest.

    The house is not connected to any supply, it has photovoltaic panels that provide thermal and electrical energy. The water is collected through tanks and purified with a filtration system in the roof.
