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    The LEGO Experiencie Center

    IntegralDesingFactory / 11 April, 2017 / Architecture, design, nice place

    BIG creator of the LEGO Experience Center, is expected to open its doors this year in mid-September in Bilund, Denmark.

    The design of the Center is faithful to the essence of LEGO, formed by large blocks that resemble classic pieces of plastic that fit together. The building consists of a total of 21 embedded blocks, creating interactive spaces both in the exterior and in the interior.

    The Center will house large spaces with play areas, exhibitions … among all the areas there are 4 different areas in the colors; Red, green, yellow and blue, each of these colors represents a different aspect of child learning. The red zone stimulates creativity; Green encourages social skills, yellow stimulates emotions and blue encourages cognitive abilities.


    Images: Plataforma Arquitectura